
Thursday, August 22, 2013

Listen to A Story

As part of my Daily 5 Reading Block my students will be listening to stories.  I no longer have a tape/cd player for my students to listen to stories.  So they will have to use the computers and ipads.  I have a little computer center in my classroom.

Today I worked on looking for free sites with online stories for the children to watch during the stations.  I did find a couple that I liked.  I put them on my wikipage that the children use.  

I use big graphics so that the children can easily navigate the page.  Please CLICK HERE and stop by and see my Reading Station page and let me know what you think.  

If you know of more sites that I can add please let me know.  

Happy Reading :)


  1. Sue, your Reading Station page is AWESOME! oh my - love it! Here is a site with some other online books- I know you have to "join" but it looks free- you probably saw it- but I thought I'd pass it on just in case! WOW- thank you for sharing!
    Kindergarten: Holding Hands and Sticking Together

  2. Love your listening station and page!
    First Grade Blue SKies
