
Monday, December 30, 2013

Reflecting 2013

These were my simplistic goals in January before I knew that I would be switching to first grade.  Once that decision was made my focus totally changed.  I needed to prepare for someone to take my place in kindergarten.  Organize the materials I needed to take with me to first grade and integrate the materials that were left behind for me. I needed to move classrooms and set up a whole new room.  

Each week my goal is simple to try to incorporate hands on activities into the traditional curriculum that exist at my school.  

I am trying to organize my ideas by weeks so that next year I will not have to spend so much time planning and reading. 

My goal for this blog for 2014 is simple. 

 I want to post at least three times a week.  I hope to post one freebie, my favorites of the week, and one idea I find and incorporate into my classroom.  

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