
Thursday, January 9, 2014

Penguin Story Problems

Addition and Subtraction Word Problems

What was left of this week I have been reviewing with my class word problems.  It is the end of the quarter and it is time to assess.  We are reading lots of penguin stories.  My favorite penguin story is 365 Penguins.

 It is a very cute story.  We also read Tacky the Penguin. 

My first graders are so excited to realize they can now read it themselves. 

Anyways they finished their math a few minutes early today so I had them write their own word problems.  I promised them we would do them tomorrow for math class.  Here are some of the problems they came up with. 
I typed them up and I thought maybe you would like to share them with me.  Here are s a couple of the pages.

My first graders were so excited about their problems becoming tomorrow's work that a couple of my students wrote "Bonus" problems to challenge each other.

If you would like a FREE copy of our penguin word problems CLICK HERE.


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