
Tuesday, March 11, 2014

101 Activity

101 Day of First Grade

When I went searching for ideas for 101 day of first grade most of the ideas I found were repeats of 100 day.

I was looking for some new ideas that I did not do last year in kindergarten.  After talking with my new partner teacher, Diana, this is what we came up with. 

This first idea is not in the booklet.  Build a structure with 101 marshmallows and 101 toothpicks.  And yes you have to use all the materials .and no you may not eat the marshmallows. 

The second idea was that the students worked in the booklets:
·    101 math equations
·    Find 101 nouns
·    Read & spell 101 words
·    101 acts of kindness
·    Measuring 101 centimeters. 
·    In addition I attached some coloring pages I found from coloring books. 

Hands down the kids favorite activities were the marshmallow building and measuring centimeters. 

Well of course the children did like watching the movie 101 Dalmatians and the yummy puppy chow.  I was surprised at how many children had not seen the movie.  

Anyways, in the booklet all the pages are black and white (just like the dogs) and easy to run off.  

If you are interested stop by my TPT store for more information.  

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