This week in first grade we are going to have a little monkey business going on during our reading time. We are reinforcing our reading skills using the book, Caps for Sale.
As we were making text to text connections, my first graders came up with a list of other monkey books that they have read or would recommend to their friends:
Curious George
Five Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed
Five Little Monkeys Sitting in the Tree
Five Little Monkeys Reading A Book
Five Little Monkeys Baking A Birthday Cake
Five Little Monkeys Wash the Car
Monkey Monkey's Trick
Good Night Gorilla
More Spaghetti, I Say
I found a wonderful poem about a monkey in the book Pick A Poem.
( My favorite poetry book this year.)
The title of the poem is, Monkey's Meal.
I typed up the poem for the children's poetry notebook and made a follow up worksheet.