Monday, April 21, 2014

This Week in First Grade April 21

In first grade this week we will begin our new science unit about weather.  There are several lessons in the book that I will be doing however in addition to the text book I found a wonderful unit by Kristen Smith.  There are some amazing ideas in the unit that I can not wait to share with my class.
I found a poem about a rainbow this week.
I have a homework page for the poem as well.    If you would like a copy of the poem and homework page Click Here.

The week before vacation, we made Adjective Rainbows.  It was an idea I saw on Pinterest.  It went perfect with our Religion lesson on The Golden Rule.  How should we treat others.......the same way we want others to treat us.  We brainstormed a list of positive adjectives....

Then the children thought of kind adjectives to describe their friends.   We picked names out of a basket to fill out the strips.  The group of children met together and discussed what were the best adjectives to put on the rainbow and surprise the special person on the cloud.   It was such a treat to find out what kind things the other children thought about each student.  It was the highlight of the day.  The first graders loved this activity.  This is something I will do again next year.

I found three great books to read about clouds to the students as well.

I am looking forward to a fun week back with my students.

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